Privacy Policy

Use of the Site


The website at the link (hereinafter referred to as – “Turboavia») allows you (hereinafter referred to as – Users) to view and download materials from this website (hereinafter referred to as – ; “Site”) ) for personal, non-commercial use only, provided that Users retain all copyright and other proprietary information contained in the source materials and any copies thereof. You may not copy materials from this Site, distribute or display them in any form, or use them in any other way for public or commercial purposes. Any use of these materials on other websites or computer networks is prohibited.



The materials and services on this Site are provided without warranties of any kind. Turboavia does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the materials, programs and services provided on this Site. Turboavia may make changes to the materials and services provided on this Site, as well as to the services and prices indicated therein, at any time without notice. If materials and services on this Site become no longer relevant, Turboavia is not obligated to update them. Under no circumstances will Turboavia be liable for any damages (including, but not limited to, damages for loss of profits, data, or business interruption) arising out of the use, inability to use, or results of the use of this Site. Turboavia is not responsible for the completeness and accuracy of the data provided by Users on the Site. Turboavia reserves the right to immediately terminate use of or refuse permission to use the Site to any User, at any time and at its sole discretion.

Registration on the Site


By registering on the Site by placing an application, you agree to provide reliable and accurate information about yourself and your contact information. As a result of registration, the User is responsible for his actions on the Site. In case of loss of registration data, the User undertakes to notify Turboavia about this.

Feedback and comments


By contacting Turboavia or leaving messages, comments or reviews on the Site, the User is responsible that this message, comment or review is not illegal, harmful, threatening, libelous, offends morals, violates copyrights, promotes hatred and/or discrimination against people on racial, ethnic, gender, religious, social grounds, contains images addressed to specific individuals or organizations, and also otherwise violates the current legislation of Ukraine. The User agrees that Turboavia may delete any message, comment or review left by him without the User’s consent, and also use messages, comments or reviews for advertising or marketing purposes free of charge at its discretion. Turboavia is not responsible for any information posted by Users of the Site.

Use of personal data


Turboavia uses various technologies for collecting and storing information when the User visits the Site. This may include recording conversations, one or more cookies or anonymous identifiers. Turboavia also uses cookies and anonymous identifiers when the User interacts with services offered by Turboavia's partners, such as advertising services, for example, which may appear on other sites.

Use of cookies.


Turboavia uses cookies for:

  • collect information about the movement of Users and Site partners on the Site;
  • ensure User confidentiality on the Site;
  • save login information for the Site;
  • temporarily store data in service cost calculators provided by Turboavia on the Site and filled out by the User;
  • save marketing information about Users and their preferences, products, etc., which helps improve targeting;
  • save information about the time users spent on the site;
  • evaluate the advertising effectiveness of the Site (data collected by Turboavia is anonymous and is not transferred to third parties).

Turboavia uses both its own and partner company (third party) cookies to support this activity. Turboavia does not use cookies to track Users' Internet usage after they leave the Site and does not store information that can be read by third parties. Turboavia will not replace, not  does not sell or rent cookie information without the written consent of Users.



The name and logos on the Site identifying Turboavia and/or third parties and their services are proprietary marks of Turboavia, or marks which Turboavia is licensed or authorized to use, and nothing in these terms and conditions grants a license or other permission to the User to use of such a mark or other intellectual property right of Turboavia or a third party without prior approval from Turboavia.


Address in Ukrainian:

Киев, б-р Вацлава Гавела, 16

Address in English:

Kyiv, Vaclav Havel Blvd, 16

Contact number:

+38 097 214-70-11

+38 063 696-95-71


Address in Korean:

인천시 중구 공항동로 295번길 124, 북측항공화물창고 204호 19번 게이트 (AACT 앞건물) 담당자 : 서근원차장님 (032-744-8963) / 장치장코드 : 04077081

Address in English:

No.204 / 124, Gonghangdong-ro 295beon-gil, Jung-gu, Incheon, Republic of Korea

Contact number:


Mr Suh


Address in Chinese:

广州市白云区通达创意园9-114仓库TURBOAVIA 邮政编码: 510100 莫先生 18502078518

Address in English:

Guangzhou, Baiyun District, TongdaCreative Park, Warehouse 9-114 TURBOAVIA, post-code: 510100

Contact number:


李婷婷 - Carrie

Have questions?

Send inquiry and our manager will contact you soon.

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Our office

Kyiv, st. Dashavskaya, 25