Sea container and air cargo shipments to any point in the world! Freight, forwarding in Ukraine and in ports, issuance of air waybills and bills of lading, customs clearance. We will do everything "Turnkey" quickly and efficiently!

Our services

We will provide a warehouse for storage

If you need to store your cargo for some time in our warehouse for consolidation purposes, we can provide this service to our clients without any problems.

We will repack your cargo

We carefully pack your cargo. We wrap all places with tape to prevent the box from tearing or moisture from entering during delivery. If necessary, we agree and make additional packaging from wood or cardboard or pack the cargo in an additional bag. This allows you to avoid the risk of damage and preserve the presentation of the cargo.

We insure cargo accepted for shipment

The safety of your cargo is our responsibility. We are ready to insure any type of cargo.

We will arrange shipping to the recipient's country

We will suggest the most advantageous payment option. We will calculate the shipping cost and deliver to the destination country.

We will help you to prepare documents

We will help you to prepare all types of customs documents.

Interested in additional services?
We will be happy to answer all your questions!


Export customs clearance The speed of movement of goods is one of the main elements of business success. The competitiveness of the company largely depends on how quickly the delivery to the destination is carried out. If we are talking about transportation within the country, then the determining factor will be the choice of a reliable freight carrier capable of ensuring timely and safe delivery of goods. When transporting goods internationally, special attention should also be paid to the competent registration of the future export operation. Our specialists will advise you on all issues that arise and help you with the registration of customs documents.


Export customs clearance can be carried out independently by the declarant or by a customs broker - an intermediary company that provides services for declaring goods. The necessary documents can also be submitted by an agent for customs clearance of goods and goods. This is an individual who is in direct employment relations with the broker company. The State Fiscal Service of Ukraine maintains a register of enterprises that are allowed to conduct customs brokerage activities. Before using the services of a particular brokerage company, it is necessary to check whether it has the appropriate license. To do this, it is enough to visit the official website of the fiscal service. It should be added that the presented database is up-to-date and constantly updated. It is also recommended to conclude a contract in which it is necessary to stipulate the obligations of the parties and the terms of provision of services. Turboavia company has more than 15 years of experience in the logistics market and provides the fastest and most effective methods of cargo delivery


Satisfied customers


Warehouses in China


Cargo delivered


Years on the market

Algorithm of actions when processing export of goods from Ukraine:

In order to properly process export of goods from Ukraine, it is necessary to adhere to the following procedure:

  • determination of the type of future export operation;
  • conclusion of an agreement with a broker;
  • determination of the UKTZED code of the transported goods;
  • accreditation of the company as a participant in foreign economic activity;
  • conclusion of a foreign economic contract;
  • conclusion of an agreement with a carrier company;
  • after loading the goods, transfer of a package of documents to the broker for further processing;
  • transfer of a set of ready-made documents to the customer and the carrier of the cargo.
  • There are the following types of export: regular export, temporary export, transportation of goods for repair or warranty service, export of raw materials for processing. The broker will help determine the exact type of future export operation. The list of permits is also clarified with him and all details are agreed upon.
  • after loading the goods, transfer of a package of documents to the broker for further processing;

List of documents for export from Ukraine

The following documents will be required to carry out an export transaction:

  • customs declaration;
  • agreement with a customs broker;
  • registration card of the foreign economic entity;
  • foreign economic contract;
  • freight bills;
  • commercial documentation;
  • certificate of origin of the goods;
  • certificate of quality;
  • certificate under customs seals on the admission of the vehicle to transportation.

Features of export operations

You should know that customs payments are not charged for the export of goods from Ukraine, with the exception of the report on the delivered cargo, which is subject to export duty. The list of such cargoes is specified in the section "Rates of export duties in Ukraine". Customs clearance of cargo is carried out at its location, and not at the place of registration of the company or at the border. A simple export operation is completed within 4 hours. Almost any Ukrainian enterprise can engage in export activities, regardless of the form of ownership and material and financial indicators. The vehicle carrying out export transportation is not necessarily subject to customs inspection. If the company exporting products is a VAT payer, it has the right to a refund of value added tax. Currently, for quick and competent customs clearance, it is necessary to know a lot of regulatory documents well, to monitor changes in tax and customs legislation in a timely manner, and to have personal business contacts. In order not to get confused in all these subtleties, you should entrust this work to professionals specializing in the provision of customs clearance services.

Starting a mutually beneficial partnership with the company and ordering air cargo transportation is very simple, just call or write to us. On the same day you will receive a comprehensive consultation taking into account all your wishes for optimal logistics. We are constantly developing and improving our work to deliver the most effective and cost-effective logistics solutions.

Our clients


Address in Ukrainian:

Киев, б-р Вацлава Гавела, 16

Address in English:

Kyiv, Vaclav Havel Blvd, 16

Contact number:

+38 097 214-70-11

+38 063 696-95-71


Address in Korean:

인천시 중구 공항동로 295번길 124, 북측항공화물창고 204호 19번 게이트 (AACT 앞건물) 담당자 : 서근원차장님 (032-744-8963) / 장치장코드 : 04077081

Address in English:

No.204 / 124, Gonghangdong-ro 295beon-gil, Jung-gu, Incheon, Republic of Korea

Contact number:


Mr Suh


Address in Chinese:

广州市白云区通达创意园9-114仓库TURBOAVIA 邮政编码: 510100 莫先生 18502078518

Address in English:

Guangzhou, Baiyun District, TongdaCreative Park, Warehouse 9-114 TURBOAVIA, post-code: 510100

Contact number:


李婷婷 - Carrie

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Our office

Kyiv, st. Dashavskaya, 25