
Shan Xi Qiao Niang Gong Ke Ji You Xian Gong Si

Shanxi qiangniang palace technology co., ltd. was formally registered and established in 2017. Its headquarter is located in hefeng road handicraft industrial park, guangling county, with a registered capital of 10 million yuan. It has three branches in shuhui street, guangling county, and nuanquan, hebei province. It has agents in eight provinces and cities, including shanxi, shaanxi and Beijing, and has launched e-commerce platforms such as alibaba, Tmall, pinduoduo and jingdong. Purely handmade, is the nature of rural flavor and modern life style of clever combination, is internationally recognized green packaging and decorations, by the majority of consumers love. On June 7, 2008, liu compiled the second batch of national intangible cultural heritage list approved by the state council.

Company Name: Shan Xi Qiao Niang Gong Ke Ji You Xian Gong Si
Company Type: Manufacturer
Year Of Establishment: 2017
Registered Capital: ¥10,000,000.00
Enterprise Scale: More than 500
Main Target Customers: Retailers, Wholesalers, Agents, Distributors, Traders
Main Exhibits: Other home textile products
Address: Hefeng road handicraft industrial park, guangling county, datong city, Shanxi Province
Area: Shanxi China

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Адрес на украинском языке:

Киев, б-р Вацлава Гавела, 16

Адрес на английском языке:

Kyiv, Vaclav Havel Blvd, 16

Контактный номер:

+38 097 214-70-11

+38 063 696-95-71


Адрес на корейском языке:

인천시 중구 공항동로 295번길 124, 북측항공화물창고 204호 19번 게이트 (AACT 앞건물) 담당자 : 서근원차장님 (032-744-8963) / 장치장코드 : 04077081

Адрес на английском языке:

No.204 / 124, Gonghangdong-ro 295beon-gil, Jung-gu, Incheon, Republic of Korea

Контактный номер:


Mr Suh


Адрес на китайском языке:

广州市白云区通达创意园9-114仓库TURBOAVIA 邮政编码: 510100 莫先生 18502078518

Адрес на английском языке

Guangzhou, Baiyun District, TongdaCreative Park, Warehouse 9-114 TURBOAVIA, post-code: 510100

Контактный номер:


李婷婷 - Carrie

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